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Articles from Tristan Roussel

Revert the Revert and Avoid Conflicts

Tristan Roussel3 min read

Let me tell you my story about git, conflicts and reverts. On a project, I start a feature on a branch, open a pull request towards master branch and merge it by mistake before finishing my code.No git story would be…

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Lost in Symfony XLIFF translations

Tristan Roussel2 min read

XLIFF? XLIFF is one of the 3 different formats you can use for translation in Symfony.It is the recommended format because of its standard use by professional translators. <trans-unit id="42"> <source>french_food</source> <target>Omelette du fromage</target> </trans-unit>In Symfony, ids…

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Faster-than-light composer on Mac with HHVM

Tristan Roussel3 min read

Hello my dearest Mac geeks! A long long time ago, Facebook released a shiny machine named HHVM.It could execute PHP very fast and was compatible with Mac OS X. Time has passed, HHVM was still incredibly fast, but lost its compatibility with…

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Do you even rerere?

Tristan Roussel11 min read

TL;DR: git hidden gem to remember how to solve conflicts Hello my dearest git geeks! Do you know about git-rerere? It's a little thing that saved my life once and I want to explain to you how it can help you…

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SfPot Paris 2014-12-12 @Pepinière 27

Tristan Roussel7 min read

I went to SfPot meetup at Pepinière 27 (website, Twitter) on second to last Friday with fellow colleagues Simon, Thierry, Kinga, and Paul.One particular talk retained my attention and I want to tell you about it. Let me warn you first,

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ParisJS 2014-10-29 @Deezer

Tristan Roussel4 min read

I went to ParisJS meetup at Deezer headquarters last Wednesday with fellow colleagues Aurélie and Valentin. There were some awesome talks, so I'd like to give you some lightning advertising about them. 1st talk: Khalid Jebbari (GitHub, Twitter), meetup organizer, on…

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