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Articles from Sammy Teillet

The lamp, the tunnel, the lean

Sammy Teillet6 min read

This article is about IOT, DIY and lamps, and a little bit of lean.So 2 weeks ago we bought some lamps! And since we are a bunch of nerds we bought a bridge to play with them.I am not going…

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Facebook Live Videos Made Interactive

Sammy Teillet3 min read

Facebook released its new feature: the Live Video.You're surely aware that America elected a new president and you may remember the buzz of that night: the live from ABC News asking who will win, by making people vote through the…

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The LoopBack REST Connector and its secrets

Sammy Teillet9 min read

I had a lot of trouble using the Loopback REST connector reading the existing documentation and I'm sure you'll have less issues by reading this first. Summary This article will show how to:Use API methods from your server Use environment variables for production Get…

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Implementing A/B Testing in Only 5 Minutes!

Sammy Teillet4 min read

Have you ever met a coworker or client which is persuaded that you should do this way while you think it'd be better that way? Instead of infinite debate what you need is facts! Let's Not Make a Choice!The choice is not…

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