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Articles from Louis Zawadzki

React Native Layout Tricks

Louis Zawadzki3 min read

The basics of positioning are pretty well explained in the official React Native documentation. However, it only covers simple cases such as centering items or putting one element on top, middle and bottom.Here I intend to cover some cases that are…

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Everything You Always Wanted to Know About CSS (but were too afraid to ask)

Louis Zawadzki5 min read

Do you sometimes try position: relative then absolute then relative again?Does it take you more than 2 seconds to decide whether you’re going to use padding or margin?Have you ever added more than 5 classes to make your CSS work? If…

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Medium-like Image Loading with Vue.js (part 2)

Louis Zawadzki5 min read

Quick summary of part 1 I’m quite fond of the way Medium displays its images while they’re loading.At first they display a grey placeholder, then displays a small version of the image - something like 27x17 pixels. The trick is that most…

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Create Pull Requests in a Flash with Git and Hub

Louis Zawadzki3 min read

At Theodo a lot of our projects follow the Agile git workflow described in another article by my coworker Aurore.With this worklow, we have to create 2 pull requests every time we finish a feature:one for the staging branch that…

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Medium-like Image Loading with Vue.js (part 1)

Louis Zawadzki4 min read

When I’m stuck on a train or queuing at the supermarket I usually read one or two articles on Medium. There’s plenty of stuff that I really love about Medium. Like the email they send me every morning. Or the personal…

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Feature Toggling in Angular with 20 Lines of Code

Louis Zawadzki4 min read

What is feature toggling? Feature toggling enables you to toggle features or change your application's content quickly and without any change to the application source code. It can be used for various applications such as A/B testing or to display time-limited content…

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