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Articles from Jonathan Beurel

Les tests utilisateurs distants présentés par Sébastien Tanguy de Testapic

Jonathan Beurel2 min read

J'ai rencontré Sébastien Tanguy, co-fondateur de Testapic, au canada durant le WAQ 2016. Nous faisions tout les deux partie de la délégation française à décoller pour la semaine du numérique du Québec. J'ai eu l'occasion d'assister à sa conférence au…

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Build a perfect Scrumboard with Trello and some Chrome/Firefox Extensions

Jonathan Beurel2 min read

Trello is the perfect online equivalent of the whiteboard To build a perfect Scrumboard, we need:Columns and Cards Complexity points on each card Number of Cards by column Card Numbers Labels1) Columns and Cards Trello provides drag&drop cards. Tips: You can use < and > shortcuts…

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How I stopped doing repetitive and boring tasks to become more productive

Jonathan Beurel3 min read

Sourcing candidates for recruitment, managing your online reputation, populating databases... did you ever dream about a tool that does all these repetitive and boring tasks for you? 1. This app uses Google search engine to generate advanced search among thousands of…

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Easily comply with Symfony2 coding style using CodeSniffer and PhpStorm Code Inspection

Jonathan Beurel2 min read

The goal of this article is to implement Symfony2 coding style in your PhpStorm editor. This will take you 5 minutes to configure your workspace. Symfony2 CodeSniffer installation You can follow this steps to install the Symfony2 standard CodeSniffer using Composer.Install phpcs: composer global require…

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How to code JavaScript using Bootstrap best practices?

Jonathan Beurel6 min read

Bootstrap was created at Twitter in mid-2010 by @mdo and @fat. It provides a lot of UI plugins easy to implement. You've probably already used it but have you looked at how it worked? Together, we will try to make…

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How to use lesscss without NodeJs in Symfony2 with Assetic?

Jonathan Beurel2 min read

Today, we will talk about a little trick: How to use Less when node.js is not available on your server? We will use the latest version of lessphp available at the time of writing this article. You can find the full…

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