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Publishing to Facebook programmatically can seem like a complex affair, with several tricky steps, particularly authentication. Documentation of these steps can be scattered, obtuse, and deterring to the would-be poster. In this article I’ll break down each step, with code snippets,
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When it comes to the web, the main idea of a website or app is to either sell a product (including services) or be that product. Generally, a product is about delivering a message or some sort of value to…
Continue reading →Integrating Lambda Layers into your Node.js Lambdas using pre-configured templates
Rob Cronin4 min read

AWS recently released the ability to add layers to your lambda functions. These layers can be standalone code to be reused across multiple lambdas, library dependencies or custom runtimes. This article will go through a setup for the first use case for…
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Late in 2018 AWS released Lambda Layers and custom runtime support. This means that to run unsupported runtimes you no longer need to 'hack' around with VMs, docker or using node.js to `exec` your binary. Recently I needed to setup a 100% serverless…
Continue reading →If you already know what scraping is, you can directly jump to how I did it What is scraping? Scraping is the process of data mining. Also known as web data extraction, web harvesting, spying.. It is software that simulates human interaction…
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5 gotchas using Victory Chart for data visualisation Victory Chart is a React chart library for data visualisation built on top of D3. Formidable Labs have produced a neat set of documentation - easy to follow, full of examples and an editable…
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Kotlin is an object-oriented programming language for making Android apps that uses Java-like syntax with functional programming features. It was created by Jetbrains, the makers of hugely popular IDEs like IntelliJ and PyCharm, and is used by big companies such…
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A few weeks ago, Nicolas and I launched https://jamstack.paris, a JAMstack website powered by GatsbyJS and hosted on Netlify. JAMstack applications deliver static websites to end-users with the benefit of high performance and CDN ease and still allow dynamism by sourcing content…
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Zeplin vs InVision: I work for a service company as a lead developer and we have been using these tools on different projects for mockup integration. I teamed up with France Wang, lead designer at BAM, to list the pros and cons and give…
Continue reading →How to debug your front-end/back-end interface with the Developer Tools network tab
Jordan Lao3 min read

When I started web development, the developer tools were so new to me I thought I would save time not using them in the first place. I quickly realized how wrong I was as I started using them. No more…
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