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🔥 Fixtures recently helped me a lot to save time and write efficient tests. In this article, I would like to share with you how fixtures can help to:Test the performance of your app.Generate awesome data on a Symfony project.Apply good…
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Have you ever looked for a bug that happens only locally ? That was due to a missing DB migration after a git pull ? Or a failing webpack compilation due to an inexisting node module ? Well, I have…
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Brendan Daoud13 min read
Hey people! Do you feel like drawing stuff? Today, let's explore the depth of WebGl and draw a little square in a canvas. What is WebGl, you ask? Well it's part of the native HTML5 and JS API (meaning you don't need…
Continue reading →The inspiration for this guide came about after realizing that the blog article I had read the most was ‘_A Complete Guide to Flexbox’. _There are two reasons for this, firstly, I am very forgetful, and secondly, it is a quick…
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This article explains how we chose our NodeJS framework at Theodo. Among others, we focused on ExpressJS, KoaJS, NestJS, MeteorJS, and SailsJS. Some context At Theodo, we have been working for a long time with API Platform and Django and they provided…
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In this article, you will quickly learn how to build a simple login form using Formik and Yup. For those who don’t know, Formik is a relatively new but already widely-used form library for React. As a much less complex…
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Now that hooks have officially been released in React 16.8 and that everybody is trying to convince you to rewrite all your React projects using nothing but hooks, let's see if there is still something to achieve using Higher-Order Components.
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You've read the tweets, you've watched the marketing videos, you've followed the tutorials. It's official, JAMStack is the hottest web architecture of 2019. Bringing improvements in performance, scalability, security, and developer experience, it sounds like a no-brainer for your next…
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Intro I originally had a simple goal: do a computer vision task solely from my browser. Having seen some very nice colour transfer effects before, I figured I could try a simple one. So I found a nice and popular algorithm:…
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As Web developers, Ajax requests have become a routine. We use them every day to retrieve and send data from/to a server. But do you really know what is happening when the request leaves your browser? I will not go too…
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