Articles for Serverless
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Serverless provides scalability. It also solves the waste of having servers up and running when no one needs them, by instantiating and running your business functions only when needed. That’s why at Theodo we are excited about serverless and developing serverless…
Continue reading →Here in Theodo we are very enthusiastic about NestJS framework. It is quite young but we consider it currently one of the best NodeJS frameworks. Recently, we asked ourselves if it was possible to deploy serverless NestJS applications.Serverless is a…
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Serverless is a trendy cloud-computing execution model aiming to release developers from taking care of server management and to bill on demand for the used resources. Developers just have to provide their application’s code while the cloud provider is in…
Continue reading →Integrating Lambda Layers into your Node.js Lambdas using pre-configured templates
Rob Cronin4 min read

AWS recently released the ability to add layers to your lambda functions. These layers can be standalone code to be reused across multiple lambdas, library dependencies or custom runtimes. This article will go through a setup for the first use case for…
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"Can't you name all your pull requests in the right format?""...Oops I just merged into production"Using AWS lambdas can be a cool and useful way to improve your workflow with GitHub. Blocking merges when tests fail on your branch is common,
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The purpose of this tutorial is to automatically deploy a serverless API with two deployment environments (development and production) from scratch. Using the Amazon Web Services (AWS), this will be a matter of minutes! We will use Node.js and several…
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I always feel guilty when I suddenly motivate myself to go to the gym, then have all the painful thoughts like going out in the cold, being sweaty and feeling stiff afterward and decide that I'd rather stay in bed…
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