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As a coder, you probably use a lot of ids. Creating them is so easy. But when we have to modify one, keeping your data consistent can become a nightmare. This article presents our 10 lines solution. Why modifying ids? I am…
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Every app you use daily went through numerous stages of development before it reached the fully functional version you’re accustomed to. From whiteboard and prototyping to a minimum viable product (MVP) in production to its fully-featured form, each stage was…
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I'm going to show you how to correctly configure your Django project to allow you to upload files safely and securely to an AWS S3 bucket. This is a great way of handling files in Django and as you will…
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On a previous project, I had to set up Single Sign-On (SSO) between two existing and independent applications. This article, which explains how I proceeded, aims at helping understand it and setting it up with Symfony. What is Single Sign-On (SSO)? Single…
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At first glance, serverless and web real-time doesn't seem to easily match together. The aim of serverless is to have a very short-lived backend whereas web real-time require to keep an open connection with this backend. We were curious at…
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I recently started programming in PHP using the well-known Symfony framework. I wanted to keep my VS Code habits and proficiency I had from my previous projects in Node.js and Vue.js, so I tried to configure VS Code for PHP…
Continue reading →Before building a serverless app, it is important to truly understand how serverless works in AWS and what modules are available and useful for such an architecture. This article is a follow-up to the previous article Understand AWS serverless architecture…
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Serverless provides scalability. It also solves the waste of having servers up and running when no one needs them, by instantiating and running your business functions only when needed. That’s why at Theodo we are excited about serverless and developing serverless…
Continue reading →How I ruined my application performances by using React context instead of Redux
Georges Biaux7 min read

TL;DRI used React contexts instead of Redux for centralized states Without a selector system, my components where getting lots of data as props, some of them were often changing and not necessary to build the view Any changes in these contexts objects…
Continue reading →What could be more annoying than one login page? To have several of them! More and more on the web, people are allowed to connect to services through their Google, Facebook or other accounts. The user can then seamlessly connect to…
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