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Blender Python Starting Guide

Félix5 min read

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If you come from the Python development world, developing in Blender can feel a bit rough at first glance because the Blender API, bpy, is not a python package you can install with pip. To access it, you must use the Python env included in Blender and it can be difficult to interact with it from outside Blender from your IDE with your favorite tools.

For example, some tools we like to use at Theodo are Black for formatting, isort to sort imports, Pylint as linter, mypy for typing and pytest for testing.

How to get a seamless development experience when coding Blender modules?

In this article, we will see the different development environments you can use if you want to interact with Blender: the integrated Blender tools, the building process of bpy from source code and finally the development setup of your IDE to code with Blender.

Disclaimer: This has been tested with Blender 2.93, the current LTS Version. The behavior should be the same for the more recent versions (leave a comment if that is not the case).

Before you start: Essential Blender setup

First, let’s enable two options in Blender:

  1. In Edit > Preferences... > Interface > Developer Extras

    You can now right-click on any functionality and click on “Online Python Reference” to access the online Python API documentation.

Screenshot from Blender showing the right click Online Python Reference

  1. In Edit > Preferences... > Interface > Python Tooltips

    Now, when you hover over any Blender field, information about the related Python property will appear.

Screenshot from Blender showing the Python tooltips

Blender’s text editor and integrated console

Blender has two integrated tools with which you can start scripting.

It is basically an IPython console. It is the quickest way to execute small chunks of code and explore the built-in Python in Blender.

Screenshot from Blender showing the integrated Python console

Here you can write Python files and test more complex Python code.

Screenshot from Blender showing the integrated text editor

💡Pro tip: the errors and prints are not displayed in Blender. To see them, start Blender from your terminal (by running blender), then the errors and the logs will be visible in the terminal.

These tools are great to explore the API but they are very limited. It is indeed difficult to structure a project with them and you do not have access to your favorite IDE shortcuts and functionality.

Now let’s dive into some better ways to code with Blender.

Build Blender as a Python module

One option is to build bpy from its source code, which you can then use as a basic Python module.

To do so, you will have to:

For more details, follow Blender’s Wiki.

⚠️ The build and installation process is not straightforward and platform dependent.

You can now fully code as you are used to and with all the benefits of an IDE.

Unfortunately, there are some drawbacks:

Connect Blender to your IDE

With VSCode

This setup is useful if you want to avoid the drawbacks of the previous solution.

We are going to use the amazing VSCode extension called Blender Development that allows you to run code in Blender from VSCode. Let’s see how to do so.

  1. Be sure to have VSCode installed with the Python Addon
  2. Create a Python env that uses the same version as the one available in Blender (for example for Blender 2.93LTS it is Python 3.9.2)
  3. Make sure that the root path of your project is in the PYTHONPATH (for example set it from your terminal before opening VSCode or in your VSCode config)
  4. Open the project in VSCode
  5. Set your Python env as your interpreter in VSCode :
    1. Hit ctrl+P and run Python Select Interpreter
  6. Install the Blender Development extension
  7. To benefit from the linter and type checking, install the fake-bpy-module in your Python env
    1. Run pip install fake-bpy-module-2.93 (for blender 2.93)

Now you can start coding!

In VSCode:

  1. Hit ctrl+P and run Blender: start. Select the path to your Blender. Blender should open!
  2. Create your script
  3. Hit ctrl+P and run Blender: Run Script. The code is executed in Blender

Screenshot from VSCode showing the add-on run script menu


In the following picture, you can see a basic example where in, we call a function defined in src/ Each time we run main we generate a new randomly positioned Suzanne.

A screenshot from VSCode and Blender showing a code example with the add-on

A big advantage of using this setup is that you can use the debugger.

Here is an example with a breakpoint:

As you can see, you can inspect the local variable on the left panel.

A screenshot from VSCode stopped on a breakpoint while debugging a Blender Python code

Other IDEs

If you don’t want to use VSCode, you can still:

  1. Install in your python env fake-bpy-module

  2. Develop from your IDE

  3. Add the root of your project to the PYTHONPATH

  4. To run your code, there are three strategies:

    1. Run your script from your terminal

      blender -P -- arg1 arg2`
    2. Start Blender from a terminal where you have exported a PYTHONPATH containing the path of your project. In Blender go to the Scripting tab and run:

      filename = "/path/to/my/script/";
      exec(compile(open(filename).read(), filename, "exec"));


    3. If your code is structured as a module, start Blender from a terminal where you have exported a PYTHONPATH containing the path of your project and run from the Text Editor:

      import myscript
      import importlib


    Notice the importlib.reload, each time you are going to rerun the script, the update of the code will be taken into account.

    You can now develop your script with all your favorite tools and see the results in the Blender UI.

    Final Words

    I hope that you found a way that suits you well to start an amazing journey as a developer in the Blender world. The possibilities are now limitless.

    Thank you to the Blender Discord for their help.

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