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How to Check Your Website on Mobile in the Local Environment

Victor Buridard13 min read

Decision Tree For Mobile Checking Solutions

At Theodo, we develop solutions for both mobile and desktop. Most of the time we use the chrome device toolbar to see the visual rendering of the website when we develop in the local environment. Then when the code is deployed, we also check in the development/staging environment that everything works correctly.

However, sometimes, this is not enough. For example, this is not applicable to debug a behavior that occurs only on mobile devices. The obvious solution: finding a way to check the website on mobile, in the local environment. There are several ways to do that and each has its perks and drawbacks. In this article, I will present you with those solutions to help you find the one that suits you best.

For you to find the best solution in your use case, I will evaluate each solution with the following criteria:

Chrome device toolbar

Before you start, make sure that the feature you want to check cannot be checked with the Chrome device toolbar.

Chrome device toolbar Chrome device toolbar is accessible by a single click on the mobile icon at the top of the Chrome inspector

It does what you expect and maybe more

Chrome device toolbar is an obvious solution, known by most developers, that allows you to test responsiveness on a large variety of devices. But responsiveness is not the only thing you can test with the chrome device toolbar. All the available options are presented in great detail in the chrome documentation. If you need an incentive to go see for yourself, be aware that the device toolbar allows you to override geolocation, throttle your CPU and/or internet speed, display media queries
 A less known feature of the Chrome device toolbar is that it properly sets the user-agent according to the device you choose. So if you implement a different behavior based on the userAgent, you will be able to see it.

But Chrome device toolbar is not an emulator

However, as complete as it is, the chrome device toolbar is still limited. Here is a quick list of things you may need, and that is still unavailable with this tool:

Solution evaluation

đŸ“± Close to end-user experience: Mediocre

📋 Access to logs: Excellent

🔧 Easy to set up: Excellent

Decision Tree: What if I want to check a website on a real mobile device Chrome device toolbar is enough for basic responsiveness but what if we need to access our website / debug on a real mobile device ?

Using your local network to access your website in the local environment

There is a quick solution that doesn’t require any third-party software and that allows you to connect to your website from your mobile on your local network. All you need is a mobile device and a computer connected to the same network, i.e. a wifi network, or a shared mobile internet connection.

The principles

As you probably already know, when setting up the services for your application, you give them an address which on your local environment is localhost + port number. You can make your website accessible to all the users on the local network by exposing it to your address on this network.

The reason for this is rooted in the difference between localhost and your local IP address. Localhost is an internal address in your computer used by the loopback interface, a virtualized network interface. Localhost is only used inside your computer. On the other end, the local IP address is an address given by your router for your computer to communicate with other devices on the local network.

How to set it up

React displays your local network IP on start You can see your local IP address when launching a React App as “On Your Network”




Your website is now accessible at the following address on both your desktop device and to any device connected to the local network:


A nice addition to this is to add a script such as the one below in your package.json to automatically fetch your local IP address and update your frontend/backend URLs in your environment files:

#grepping the local ip address
| grep -Eo 'inet (addr:)?([0-9]*\\.){3}[0-9]*'
| grep -Eo '([0-9]*\\.){3}[0-9]*'
| grep -v '');
# using a file as a template
# and moving the output into .env file
sed \"s,frontend_url,$LOCAL_IP,g\" > .env;
# starting the react app with the updated file
react_app start

How to see the logs

Now that you are accessing the website in your local environment on a mobile device, the next step would be to see the logs of your device so you can develop and debug your application correctly.

How to access the logs for mobile with Safari You can access your mobile logs by opening the Safari Browser. Select first the ‘Develop’ tab then the ‘name of your device’ and finally the ‘name of the page’

- **Mac/Windows/Linux ⇔ Android**: Google is providing [a tool]( to access logs by connecting your mobile to your computer using a USB cable . - **Windows/Linux ⇔ IOS**: It seems there is no obvious solution for this currently.

A versatile solution that covers (almost) any use case

What is great about this solution is that it allows you to test directly on your mobile device and also that it works not only for a frontend but also for a “complete website” with a/multiple backend and a database as well.


Solution evaluation

đŸ“± Close to end-user experience: Good

📋 Access to log: Very good - No Logs

🔧 Easy to set up: Very good

Decision tree: What if we need to acccess the app in HTTPS Now we can access our website on a real mobile device. But what if we need HTTPS ?

Using LocalTunnel to access your website in the local environment from your mobile with HTTPS

What is LocalTunnel?

LocalTunnel is a service that allows you to expose an endpoint on both a public HTTP and a public HTTPS address.

If you don’t know localTunnel, maybe you are more familiar with ngrok its best-known counterpart. However, the main advantage of localTunnel over ngrok is that you don’t have a limit on the number of endpoints you can create whereas you have to pay as soon as the second one for ngrok.

How to set it up?

You have two options to use LocalTunnel on your project

const localtunnel = require("localtunnel");
const myTunnel = await localtunnel({ port: 3000 });

You will still have to update your URLs in your configuration file (same principles as for the local IP address). I personally prefer the second solution because the address returned by LocalTunnel is random and the task of updating the URL for your backend/frontend in your configuration files can quickly become annoying. I developed a quick example of an independent node project that sets up your configuration files when launching the app.

Concerning logs, they are still available using the same principles as for the local IP address.

The ultimate solution to local development on mobile?



Solution evaluation

đŸ“± Close to end-user experience: Very Good

📋 Access to log: Very good - No Logs.

🔧 Easy to set up: So-so.

Decision Tree: What to do if you don&#x27;t have the device or browser version you want to check your website on Now you can access to your website on a mobile device in HTTPS. But you may wonder what to do when you don’t have the device / the browser version you want to check


You may be tempted to use an emulator / a simulator to access your local website. Indeed, using Android Studios or Xcode Ios Simulator to access your website during local development is possible but here are the two main reasons why this is probably a bad idea:

If you want to test a specific mobile or a specific browser version, your best bet is probably to use BrowserStack.

However, if you don’t have any other options, here is a quick tutorial on how to use Android Studio and Xcode to emulate a smartphone and access your website in the local environment


The Android Virtual Device manager enables you to add a large selection of recent emulators You can choose a device from a large selection using the AVD manager by clicking on the “Create Virtual Device” button

- In the new project launch the emulator on the device you want. - Once the emulator is running, open the google chrome application. You can access the localhost of your computer by entering the following address in the browser url bar.<frontend-port><backend-port>

Use the Chrome inspect page to retrieve logs from your emulator&#x27;s browser On the Chrome inspect page, you can see a list of device and for each device, a list of pages opened. Click on inspect for any page to open Chrome Dev Tools for this page


Only if you develop on macOS, you can use the simulator that is included in the Xcode development software:

The Safari developement tools enable you to see the simulators running on your computer and to open an inspection window for the current opened webpages Click on the Safari “Develop” Tool and then on your simulated device to see the current open pages. If you click on a page, it will open a web inspection window

Solution evaluation

đŸ“± Close to end-user experience: So-so

📋 Access to log: Good - No Logs.

🔧 Easy to set up: So-so.

Complete decision tree with all solution to check your website in local environment on a mobile device Our decision tree is complete!


Two last things that can help you find the best solution for your project :

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