Why choose NestJS for your business
William Duclot3 min read

There’s a number of aspects that come into choosing a particular technology to power your business. Developers have their own criteria (and you should listen to them), but it is important to understand the business implications. Our case is that NestJS is a strong candidate that should be seriously considered.
Node.js popularity
NestJS is a Node.js framework, which is itself based on Javascript. There’s a lot of high quality talent in the JavaScript area. As the StackOverflow technology survey shows, for the 7th year running JavaScript is the most commonly used language with 69.7% of professional developers using it: the talent pool is huge which means you will not be stuck unable to grow your team or replace leaving teammates.
This survey also shows Node.js as the most common in the ‘other frameworks, libraries and tools’ category with 50.4% of devs using it. For you, it means benefiting of a technology in high use: technical support is good and most third-party tools integration support Node. And interest in NodeJS is still growing, as can be seen from the google search trend data. This huge community means it’s quicker to solve problems as your devs can focus on your business core, rather than re-implementing solutions to generic problems.
Performance is money
Not only this, but the performance benefits of switching to full-stack JavaScript, or Node.js more specifically, can be significant. Node.js is known to be fast compared to other technologies (Java, Python, Ruby). We can see the huge benefit this can have by looking at PayPal’s example. They switched from a Java backend to a Node.js backend, resulting in a 35% decrease in page load times. As well as this, their full-stack JS team managed to build features almost twice as fast as the Java team and with fewer people.
If the technology is fundamentally fast, it means less investment needed for performance optimization and a lighter bill at the end of the month for computing resources.
Using the same language (Javascript) for your whole application (backend/frontend) allows for more flexible dev roles. In makes it easier for devs to participate in both front-end and back-end tasks: in this age of cross-functional teams, reducing the friction of working on the different parts of your system will help communication and once again allow your devs to be able to focus on solving business problems. It also reduces the tooling necessary and saves development time by being able to reuse code between the frontend and backend. It’s also an HR good move: it’s easier to hire (single language, even if the skills still differ for different roles) and it opens up devs internal career opportunities.
NestJS is a fast-growing library with almost 20k stars on GitHub and a thriving community. With over 2000 members on their discord server, the community are keen to help with any issues you might have. Not only that but it’s also possible to hire “official” NestJS experts for support or to help with your development if you so wish. There’s quite a few big names who use NestJS, so you can make the jump with confidence!