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Search and destroy duplicate rows in PostgreSQL

Daria Khmel7 min read

I was working on a project where we needed to aggregate information on employees from 10 different tables and make the resulting table clear (no duplicate rows), containing full information on people working in the big company.

While making this I understood that the emergence of duplicates (or duplicate rows) is inevitable when you work with a large amount of data aggregating several tables into one. Fortunately PostgreSQL has some features that are extremely useful while working with detection and elimination of duplicates.

I want to put your attention on these features and help you to never have problems with duplicates.

Duplicate or Duplicate row is a row in a table looking exactly or almost exactly like some another row (original row) in this table.
So we can deal with absolutely identical rows and almost identical rows. For example theirs ids can differ but all other properties are exactly the same.

So, what can you do with the duplicates?
For absolutely identical rows:

For almost identical rows (identical except for one or more properties):

That is what my article is about.

1) How to find duplicates?

Imagine you have a table containing some data on employees of a company. For example, in this table we are dealing with personal data about employees including their first name, last name, position, department and date of the beginning of a contract in these department on these position.

| id | firstname | lastname  | startdate  | position      | department  |
| 1  | Olivier   | Le Blanc  | 2010-03-01 | PDG           | RTM         |
| 2  | Maria     | Green     | 2016-06-01 | Intern        | STP/RMP     |
| 3  | Maria     | Green     | 2016-11-01 | RH            | STP/RMP     |
| 5  | Maria     | Green     | 2017-07-07 | DRH           | STP/RMP     |
| 4  | Paul      | Jones     | 2017-01-01 | Developer     | RTM/FMP     |
| 6  | Paul      | Jones     | 2017-06-01 | Project Chief | RTM/BSO     |

In order to find duplicates we face two problems:

Here is the fastest way to split rows into categories and to display those that have more than one row in it.

FROM people
HAVING count(*) > 1;
| firstname | lastname  | count |
| Maria     | Green     |   3   |
| Paul      | Jones     |   2   |

Now we want to display duplicate rows with all information.

  (SELECT *, count(*)
    ) AS count
  FROM people) tableWithCount
  WHERE tableWithCount.count > 1;
| id | firstname | lastname |  startdate   | position      | department |  count  |
| 2  | Maria     | Green    |  2016-06-01  | Intern        | STP/RMP    |    3    |
| 3  | Maria     | Green    |  2016-11-01  | RH            | STP/RMP    |    3    |
| 5  | Maria     | Green    |  2017-07-07  | DRH           | STP/RMP    |    3    |
| 4  | Paul      | Jones    |  2017-01-01  | Developer     | RTM/FMP    |    2    |
| 6  | Paul      | Jones    |  2017-06-01  | Project Chief | RTM/BSO    |    2    |

By the way, through the PARTITION BY it is possible to simplify a whole class of tasks of analytics and billing. Instead of count(*) we can use any function like MEAN, MAX, MIN, SUM… and calculate a value per group. Mean salary is a good example.

2) How to delete duplicates?

The next question that inevitably arises: how to get rid of duplicates?
Here is the most efficient and fastest way to select data without unnecessary duplicates:

For absolutely identical rows:


For almost identical rows:

SELECT DISTINCT ON (firstname, lastname) * FROM people

In the case of almost identical rows we need to list all properties on the basis of which we are looking for duplicates.

Thus, if we want to remove duplicated data from a table, we can use the following method :

    SELECT DISTINCT ON (firstname, lastname) *
  FROM people));

For those who have read this article up to this point, here is a very cool tip of PostgreSQL to keep your code clean and readable.

WITH unique AS
    (SELECT DISTINCT ON (firstname, lastname) * FROM people)

A very useful thing for complex queries where without named subqueries you can break your entire brain, conjuring with joins and brackets of subqueries. This incredibly useful feature is called Common Table Expression. By the way, there is a possibility to use multiple subqueries and one subquery can be based on another subquery. You can learn more here.

WITH some_name AS
 (SELECT DISTINCT ON (firstname, lastname) * FROM people),
some_another_name AS (SELECT id, position, department FROM some_name)
SELECT * FROM some_another_name WHERE ... ;

3) How to combine duplicate rows in one single row

Now we come to something more interesting. We want to make sure that each category has only one row but we don’t want to lose any information. The best way to do this is to remove duplicates while merging their records into one row. For example, we want to have only one row per person, but for which both position values and department values are written into one cell in the following way ‘value 1 / value 2 / …‘. This is easily accomplished by using the function of concatenation ‘string_agg’.

  string_agg(position, ' / ') AS positions,
  string_agg(department, ' / ') AS departments
FROM people

| firstname | lastname | positions                 | departments                 |
| Maria     | Green    | Intern / RH / DRH         | STP/RMP / STP/RMP / STP/RMP |
| Olivier   | Le Blanc | PDG                       | RTM                         |
| Paul      | Jones    | Developer / Project chief | RTM/FMP / RTM/BSO           |

4) How to delete unwanted duplicates and save exactly what you want

Now let’s imagine that for every employee there are two properties indicating the start date and the end date of a contract.
If some person changed several positions in the company, there are few corresponding lines in the table. For each employee we need to find a row corresponding to the last contract, not taking into account the previous contracts. That is, in fact, find a contract with the latest start date.

You can do this as follows:

SELECT id, firstname, lastname, startdate, position FROM
  (SELECT id, firstname, lastname, startdate, position,
(PARTITION BY (firstname, lastname) ORDER BY startdate DESC) rn
   FROM people
  ) tmp WHERE rn = 1;
| id | firstname  | lastname |  startdate   | position      |
| 5  | Maria      | Green    |  2017-07-07  | DRH           |
| 1  | Olivier    | Le Blanc |  2010-03-01  | PDG           |
| 6  | Paul       | Jones    |  2017-06-01  | Project Chief |


As you can see, working with duplicates is not so difficult. They are easy to be detected and to be removed if necessary.

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