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Integrate legacy session into Symfony2

Pierre-Henri Cumenge2 min read

We are happy to anounce that the first Theodo Evolution Bundle has been open-sourced. The SessionBundle integrates transparently Legacy PHP Sessions into Symfony2

Our team has been working for a while on the growing issue of migrating legacy applications to Symfony2, as you may have guessed from one of Fabrice Bernhard’s recent conferences at the sfLive Berlin in November or the PHP NE conference in Newcastle last month. This has led to quite a bit of knowledge through trial and errors in actual projects, and also to the development of some Symfony2 bundles.
As was announced in Berlin some of those will be open-sourced : here is the first one !
Theodo Evolution’s SessionBundle allows to properly connect your legacy application with your Symfony2 app. It uses a simplified session bag instead of arrays used by Symfony2, to allow retreiving session data kept directly in $_SESSION. The bundle has been so far used and tested on several symfony 1.x projects but it can be used in other types of projects.

Obviously, this is only a small piece, we are still going to release a bit more code later.

The Bundle is licensed MIT so feel free to use it and send us your feedback, here or directly on Github !

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