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How to beautify java code reliably

Jérémie Chauvel4 min read

Readable and formatted code

I recently had to set up code formatting on a spring boot java application. Auto code formatting is important to avoiding useless diffs in source files, reducing noise in code review, allowing reviewers to focus on what matters. Ideally we want:Automatic…

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Choosing the best storage solution in GCP

Barbora Cernakova11 min read

Picture of a warehouse

Are you new to GCP, looking to make sense of all the storage offerings GCP provides or simply hoping to learn something new? You're in the right place! In this blog we're going to compare the key differences between GCP's numerous…

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How AnotherDay and Theodo built a big data geospatial analytics platform

Benjamin Piggin3 min read

Map with accumulation radius

AnotherDay’s Cascade platform provides businesses with the ultimate risk and intelligence management platform. With risk assessment at the heart of so many international standards, many business suffer from competing standards for tracking and mitigating risk. Often, large spreadsheets, unwieldy slide…

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Architecting a Modern Monorepo with NX and Turborepo

Oliver Butler7 min read

NX Turborepo Logos

What is a Monorepo? A monorepo is a consolidated repository containing the source code of multiple projects, which are commonly managed by independent teams and also often share common packages. Not just Code Collocation Recently a common software development practice is to have…

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Bringing the client closer to their product using Contentful

Chloé Caron8 min read

Contentful logo

You need to make sure that your website content keeps up-to-date with changing designs and client requirements. The trade-off? This often impacts developer time. Small changes, like adjusting an image or a piece of text, seem like a 10-minute job. In reality, they…

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Logging uWSGI errors and alarms to Sentry

Albéric Trancart2 min read

uWSGI and Sentry logos

If you already use Sentry to manage your application errors and uWSGI as a WSGI server for your Python project (such as Flask or Django), you are one step away to improve your monitoring setup in a matter of minutes. It…

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React Hooks and Tips to Avoid Useless Component Render Applied on Lists

Louise Loisel11 min read

List and React logo

import { Image } from 'astro:assets';A few weeks ago, I encountered children list rerender issues on the project I was working on. In this article you will learn :how I debugged a react performance issue why virtualization is not always suitable for…

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Mastering React-admin Resources to Improve Your App Performance

Morgane Riclet7 min read

React-admin logo

Let me tell you the story of how I improved my react-admin app runtime loading performance from 1 minute to 1 second. I work at Theodo on a project with many websites. To configure and manage all of them, we had…

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TypeScript: How Type Guards Can Help You Get Rid of 'as'

Fatine Benhsain9 min read

TS logo

In TypeScript (TS), the "as" keyword is widely used when manipulating types. However, you should employ it with caution, as it does not provide any guarantee on the real types of your objects and could generate unexpected bugs. In this…

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Why You Should Encrypt Your Disk, and How To Do It on Ubuntu with a Dual Boot

Romain Fournier12 min read

Computer secured

Why use disk encryption? It goes without saying that your computer can contain sensitive information about you or the organization you are working for, such as:personal pictures password or credit card numbers saved in your browser (and so on, access to your…

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