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Articles from Benjamin Grandfond

Manage PHP errors and exceptions in your project

Benjamin Grandfond8 min read

During application development, developers have to handle errors in the execution flow. PHP, among many other languages, allows you to do so but since I recently stumbled upon a really bad way to do it I thought that reminding the…

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De retour du Symfony Live Paris 2014

Benjamin Grandfond3 min read

This blog post is in French as the event it relates to is French-only. De retour du Symfony Live Paris 2014 Ces lundi et mardi nous étions au sixième Symfony Live Paris qui se tenait à la Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris.

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Adoptez le TDD sur vos projet Symfony2 existants

Benjamin Grandfond1 min read

This blog post is in French as the event it relates to is French-only. A l'occasion du Symfony Live Paris 2012, j'ai eu la chance de pouvoir faire une présentation où j'explique comment faire du Test-Drivent Development (TDD) dans un projet…

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How to manage fixtures in a PHP project

Benjamin Grandfond6 min read

Dealing with data developing a new application is a real challenge for the development team. You often need them to develop and then test your app. For example, for a login system, you would need different users with roles and…

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First steps with Behat

Benjamin Grandfond10 min read

Warning: This blog post uses Behat 2.5. It is not all compatible with the ~3.0 version which should be released on 20th of April 2014. At the beginning of the year, I decided it was time to give a try to…

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Don't overuse dependency injection

Benjamin Grandfond4 min read

The other day, I stumbled upon the following code that I wrote a few days before. <?php // src/Foo/BarBundle/Manager/ReportManager.php namespace Foo\BarBundle\Manager;use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\SecurityContextInterface; use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder;class ReportManager { /** * @var \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\SecurityContextInterface */ …

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Back from Berlin

Benjamin Grandfond4 min read

Two weeks ago most of the development team was at Symfony Live in Berlin. It was a pleasure for all of us to be there, meeting core team devs, talking with other Symfony user, seeing Fabrice on stage, speaking about…

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Paris-Devops meetup 10 Octobre chez Theodo

Benjamin Grandfond1 min read

This blog post is in French as the event it relates to is French-only. Pour lancer la saison 2012-2013 des meetups Paris-Devops, Theodo organise la 10ème rencontre des devs et des ops dans ses nouveaux locaux le 10 octobre 2012. Orienté plutôt…

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Theodo is growing!

Benjamin Grandfond1 min read

When I started working at Theodo, in october 2009 (indeed, nearly 3 years ago :)), we were 6 people. Now, Theodo is an awesome team of 20 theodoers[1], each with a different profile (still working hard ;)), and many more…

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Theodo at Forum PHP and sfLive in Paris next week

Benjamin Grandfond1 min read

The upcoming week will be really busy as two main conferences for the french PHP community will take place in Paris. First the Forum PHP organized by AFUP from Tuesday to Wednesday at Cité universitaire. Going there you will meet many French…

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Symfony2 unit database tests

Benjamin Grandfond5 min read

Today I will explain how to test your entities in a Symfony2 and Doctrine2 project. To achieve our work, we will work on a location model which will look somewhat like this: Location:address: string, required zip code: string, required city: string, required country: string, requiredTest…

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Get objects and related count in one shot

Benjamin Grandfond4 min read

Sometimes you just need to output the number of objects related to another, but this simple operation can be a major blow performance-wise. I hope this trick I use a lot in my symfony + doctrine developments will save you some time. Let's consider…

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